Test- und Fragebogensuche

English Version End-Stage Renal Disease Symptom Checklist

ESRD-SCL-TM english version

Publikationsdatum: 03.06.2016, DOI: 10.6099/1000278


Franke, G.H., Reimer, J., Kohnle, M., Luetkes, P., Maehner, N., Heemann, U., Gerken, G. & Philipp, Th.

Einreichender Autor:
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Helga Franke - Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal


Disease-specific quality of life of patients after successful kidney transplantation

Beschreibung des Verfahrens / Abstract

Until today there has been a lack in procedures for assessing the disease specific quality of life in renal transplant recipients. As a consequence, The End-Stage Renal Disease – Symptom Checklist – Transplantation Module (ESRD-SCL-TM), a psycho-diagnostic pro-cedure to assess the specific physical and psychological quality of life of renal transplant recipients has been introduced.
The test especially focuses on side effects of immune system suppression therapy in renal transplant recipients.

Test description:
The therapy of ESRD-patients is assessed by means of the parameter survival period, quality of life and economy. The ESRD-SCL-TM covers six dimensions with a total of 43 items: limited physical capacity (10 items), limited cognitive capacity (8 items), cardiac and renal dysfunction (7 items), side effects of corticosteroids (5 items), increased hair and gum growth (5 items) as well as transplantation-associated psychological distress (8 items).

Fields of application:
The ESRD-SCL-TM presents a diagnostic procedure for assessing the disease-specific quality of life of renal transplant recipients. Psychometric analyses are indicative of admin-istering this questionnaire to transplant patients.

Psychometrische Kennwerte

Vorgehen Ergebnisse Stichprobe
KonstruktvaliditätCorrelations with SF-36 scales, intercorrelationThe results were expectedN=458 patients after kidney transplantation
Diskriminante ValiditätCorrelation with demografic and clinical variables, analyses of regression All six scales are influenced by demographic and clinical variables (4–17 % Varianzaufklärung).N=458 patients after kidney transplantation
Interne KonsistenzCronbach"s AlphaCronbach"s Alpha(max) = 0.85 for scale 1 to Alpha(min) = 0.76 for scale 3N=458 patients after kidney transplantation
Stanine-WerteScale-specific means,standard deviations, min, max as well as intervals of confidence and Reliable Change IndexesMean range from 0.51 (Skala 4) bis 0.82 (Skala 1).Normative data N=1.687 patients after kidney transplantation, stanine-scores

verwendete Software: SPSS


  • Franke, G.H., Reimer, J., Kohnle, M., Luetkes, P., Maehner, N. & Heemann, U. (1999). Quality of life in end-stage renal disease patients after successful kidney transplantation – Develop-ment of the ESRD Symptom Checklist Transplantation Module. Nephron, 83, 31-39.
  • Franke, G.H., Reimer, J., Lütkes, P., Kohnle, M., Gerken, G., Philipp, Th. & Heemann, U. (2000). Die ESRD-Symptom-Checkliste – Transplantations-Modul (ESRD-SCL-TM) – ein diagnostisches Verfahren zur Erfassung der krankheitsspezifischen Lebensqualität von Patienten nach Nierentransplantation. Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten, 29(6), 233-244.
  • Franke, G.H., Reimer, J., Kohnle, M., Lütkes, P., Mähner, N., Heemann, U., Gerken, G. & Philipp, T. (2015). ESRD-SCL-TM. End-Stage Renal Disease - Symptom Checklist – Transplantation Module, Testmanual. Psychometrikon, http://www.psychometrikon.de/inhalt/suchen/test.php?id=2cb3d1dbeb2960c0de19abcdcce86761
  • Franke, G.H., Jäger, S., Jagla, M., Morfeld, M., Türk, T., Witzke, O. & Reimer, J. (2015). ESRD-SCL-TM. End-Stage Renal Disease - Symptom Checklist – Transplantation Module, Appendix mit Normdaten. Psychometrikon, http://www.psychometrikon.de/inhalt/suchen/test.php?id=2cb3d1dbeb2960c0de19abcdcce86761



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