Test- und Fragebogensuche

Essen Coping Questionnaire (English Version)


Publikationsdatum: 17.08.2016, DOI: 10.6099/1000300


Jagla, M.

Einreichender Autor:
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Helga Franke - Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal


The Essen Coping Questionnaire can be used for patients suffering from all chronic physical diseases and has already stood the test in this field. Its usage for acute physical and mental diseases has so far not been documented in a scientific publication. Researching them as potential fields of application would be very interesting.

Beschreibung des Verfahrens / Abstract

The Essen Coping Questionnaire (ECQ) is an assessment instrument that can be used for several diseases that assesses a person’s coping efforts on an emotional, cognitive and behavioural level.

The nine a priori scales each comprise five items with a five-tier scale (0 = „not at all“, to 4 = „extremely“) and describe the following areas:

1. Acting, problem-oriented coping (APC)
2. Distance and self-promotion (DSP)
3. Information seeking and exchange of experiences (ISE)
4. Trivialisation, wishful thinking and defence (TWD)
5. Depressive processing (DP)
6. Willingness to accept help (WAH)
7. Active search for social integration (ASS)
8. Trust in medical care (TMC)
9. Finding of inner stability (FIS).

Psychometrische Kennwerte

Vorgehen Ergebnisse Stichprobe
KonstruktvaliditätCorrelations between the ECQ and the Scales of the Brief Symptom Checklist (BSCL) (Brief Symptom Checkliste, Franke, 2016, formerly BSI, Franke, 1997, 2000) and the total value of the German Social Support Scale with 22 items (Fydrich et al., 2007) were found. The strongest positive correlative connections were found between ECQ Depressive Processing and distress, the strongest negative connections with social support. Partial sample B (529 chronic patients with renal insufficiency)
KonstruktvaliditätThe 45 items underwent a factor analysis with subsequent varimax rotation.After explorative factor analysis this study found five scales that were named according to their content: „1. Social support”, “2. Trust and drive“, „Search for information and meaning“, „4. Depres-sive trivialising processing“ and „5. Mistrust and retreat“.N = 1,815 chronic ill patients
Interne KonsistenzCronbach"s Alpha was computed.The reliability of the scales APC, ISE, DP and ASS was higher than .70; in case of DSP, WAH, TMC and FIS only higher than .60 and in case of TWD only .51N = 1,815 chronic ill patients
Stanine-WerteStanine-ScoresThe mean value per patient has little significance and therefore should be transformed into stanine scoresN = 1,815 chronic ill patients

verwendete Software:


  • Franke, G.H., Mähner, N., Reimer, J., Spangemacher, B. & Esser, J. (2000). Erste Überprüfung des Essener Fragebogens zur Krankheitsverarbeitung (EFK) an sehbeeinträchtigten Pati-enten. Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie, 21(2), 166-172.



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